Design Pattern: Adapter

The Adapter is known as a structural pattern, as it’s used to identifying a simple way to realize relationships between entities.

Convert the interface of a class into another interface clients expect. Adapter helps two incompatible interfaces  to work together.

So How Does It Work In Java?

The following example shows a simple implementation of the pattern. Consider that we have a third party library that provides sorting functionality through it’s NumberSorter class. This is our Adaptee.

 * This is our adaptee, a third party implementation of a 
 * number sorter that deals with Lists, not arrays.
public class NumberSorter
   public List<Integer> sort(List<Integer> numbers)
      //sort and return
      return new ArrayList<Integer>();


Our Client deals with primitive arrays rather than Lists. For the sake of this example, lets say we can’t change the client to use Lists. 

int[] numbers = new int[]{34, 2, 4, 12, 1};

Sorter sorter = new SortListAdapter();

We’ve provided a Sorter interface that expects the client input. This is our target.

//this is our Target interface
public interface Sorter
   public int[] sort(int[] numbers);

Finally, the SortListAdapter implements our target interface and deals with our adaptee, NumberSorter

public class SortListAdapter implements Sorter

   public int[] sort(int[] numbers)
      //convert the array to a List
      List<Integer> numberList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
      //call the adapter 
      NumberSorter sorter = new NumberSorter();
      numberList = sorter.sort(numberList);
      //convert the list back to an array and return 
      return sortedNumbers;


Some say that the Adapter pattern is just a fix for a badly designed system, which didn’t consider all possibilties. While this is a fair point, it is an important part of a pluggable architecture.  It can also add a level of complexity to your code, making debugging more difficult.


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